Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm No Superman

No you aren't delirious or drunk, you really see a picture of Ruth and Natalie with Laverne from Scrubs. Actually, Laverne's real name is Aloma Wright but I had to look it up because we only know her as Laverne.
Natalie and I are on the hunt for new vanities in the bathroom. I tell you that to tell you this...We were at a surplus hardware store looking for vanities when we walked past a doorknob display and thought we saw a familiar face. When Natalie looked back, I asked if it was Laverne and we decided we needed to look closer at the doorknobs. Sure enough it's Laverne.
Natalie, being the more aggressive of the two of us, asked her if she was Laverne and she very politely said yes. Apparently, she doesn't get much attention around Atlanta in her Obama shirt and Scrubs fleece. Natalie introduced herself as if Laverne would recognize her and they would forge a lifelong friendship. For a second I think Natalie had visions of a sitcom pen pal. And then went on to ask her if she was going to be back on the show (her character was killed off at the end of last season). She didn't reveal any juicy plot points but she did allow us to take her picture.
Anyway, Laverne was buying a doorknob because someone had broken into her Atlanta home. I long to see the day when I have to refer to my houses by their location. I can't wait to tell people about my 'down the street' home. In fact, I will select my home based solely on how cool it sounds to say 'my ________ home'. But I digress.
Laverne was nice enough to give the doe eyed groupies a picture with their daughter (who she referred to as Ruthie) before she left to finish her repairs.

We didn't find any good vanities but we came away with a cool story that, so far, no one really cares about but us. And we can tell Ruth that she met Laverne...I bet she will be the talk of the prom after that. Should you be interested in reading more of her 'interesting' story you can check out the Wikipedia information at: .


Alec & Emma Davis said...

That is so cool! We LOVE Scrubs...own several seasons on DVD and don't miss an episode. It's one of our favs. Anyways, that is so awesome that you guys got to meet Laverne. I was so sad when they killed her off...but I'll bet she makes a few more cameos here and there!

The Cram-Smith Family said...

How exciting! Big birthday plans coming up?