Thursday, February 12, 2009

Somebody Kill Me Please

For those of you new to the blog, we title our blogs after song titles. This song was made famous (to me) by Jennifer James Davis as she would sing it after pointe class at University of Oklahoma. Very fitting both then and now.

Ruth has been sick off and on for almost three weeks. She has taken 2 rounds of medicine and been to the doctor three times. I kept her home yesterday from "school" and am hoping we are finally done with this.

But what makes me really want someone to kill me is how tired I am. Ruth has not slept well for some time (due to the cold, fever, cough or whatever it is that night) so Brian and I take turns with her at tonight. Two nights ago she was up every hour, almost on the hour. I half expected her to say at 5am that the British were coming. (Although now the fear would be that the socialist are coming to rid us of guns, health care, our money and all the other things that freedom and a capitalist society allow you to buy). Needless to say, we are very tired here at the Berry house and looking forward to spring.

It is official. I turned in my letter of resignation to both the DCS company and school (the studio where I have worked for five seasons now) in September and my employer announced it Tuesday that I would not be returning to the studio next year. I feel just a sense of relief that it is finally announced. I do not have a job yet next year and am okay with that fact. I hope that KSU continues (semester contracts) but if it doesn't, then Ruth and I will just have a lot of time together.

Brian was officially announced as the Business Partner in Pharmacy for two districts in Atlanta this week. This is a promotion. The job that he was hoping to get and had been interviewing for was actually dissolved. This is the new position created by the company. So he was promoted and we were allowed to stay here. We feel so lucky that his career is going so well in this downward economy.

Ruth is up for promotion as well. She will soon be promoted to a toddler and leave infancy behind her. She turns one on March 6 and we couldn't be any more in love with our sweet little daughter. She is really letting us know her likes and dislikes which seem to change daily.

I fear she will be waking soon so I should get a few things done before that time arrives.

1 comment:

Alec & Emma Davis said... remembered my song! : ) Yes, I remember singing it after pointe, before modern, and in between a slew of rehearsals. Those were the days! I sure hope that Ruth is truly over her cold. Sounds like its really run you all through the ringer. I hope that you, Brian and Ruth are able to get some good sleep tonight...and the next night, etc.

I didn't realize that you were resigning from that position. Was it just so you could be home full time? (except for the KSU stuff) Congrats to Brian on his promotion. That is wonderful.

We are grateful for Aaron's job too. Hoping that it stays secure, as Walmart may be "reorganizing" (read layoffs are possible in his division...won't know for two weeks what's going on). But he goes so far above and beyond, I really believe that his job will be fine. Still praying, though.

Are you planning a big first bday party for Ruth? It's amazing how quickly this first year has gone! I can't wait until Ruth, Alec and Emma get to meet!