Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm Walkin', Yes Indeed I'm Talkin'

Sorry for the long delay. KSU (my place of employment) semester is ending and with that comes finals and papers and math (to figure out the grades). In addition, my mother and sister Malory came over to visit this weekend. Malory really came to the home show in Atlanta but most of her time was spent spoiling Ruth.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Ruth is walking and walking quite well. I will post videos and pictures soon but I wanted to log on so faithful readers wouldn't think we had left the country or contracted swine flu. Here is a cute story to tide you over:

Wednesday was Ruth's last day at school. Since my semester is ending I can't really justify sending her to school if I am at home. But we are reconsidering since she seemed to really enjoy it and is such a big girl at school. Wednesday afternoon she kept hold up a number one with her hand and twisting her wrist so the finger looks like it is saying "no, no, no". I finally realized what song she must be singing in her head: No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. When Brian and I pieced together the song - it took us both to remember all the words- Ruth just beamed from ear to ear and would twist that little finger at the line "momma called the doctor and the doctor said....." Very, very cute.

In other news, my tenure at the studio where I have worked for the past five years is finally over. If you remember, I resigned in September but wanted to honor my contract and finish out the year. The studio decided that with only one week left that they could handle the last week. This comes as a great relief since I am so busy with KSU and our little family is preparing to go out of town to attend the South East Regional Dance America conference. This is a wonderful ballet festival for serious pre-professional ballet studios. I attended when I danced with Ballet Arkansas and am very excited to go and watch classes and performances of ballet. Just ballet. I hope to be revived and remember why I fell in love with ballet in the first place. I feel that my studio days have taken away my edge in the profession. It certainly took me a few weeks to get back into teaching a serious ballet class for KSU this semester. The dancers there seem to really want to improve and listen to each other respectfully and listen to instructors. It has been a pleasant experience.

I am taking Ruth back to the doctor again for her ear infection. She has been on three rounds of medicine and she doesn't seem to be getting better.

Hope all is well. Keep your eye on the sky this week. (That was the Berry family safety officer speaking)

1 comment:

Alec & Emma Davis said...

That is so funny about Ruth shaking her finger during "Five Little Monkeys." Alec and Emma have a nursery rhyme book that they LOVE and we read/sing everyday during snack time. I always do hand signs for the numbers/calling the doc/no more monkeys in the song and Emma has been shaking her finger when I sing "No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed" too. Isn't that funny? Alec doesn't get too excited about monkeys. He would rather sing This Little Piggy. Can't wait to see some video of pretty princess walking!!!