Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

Alabama is not my home. It has never been my home. It has never been Brian's home. However, every time I go to Alabama I am struck by how pretty it is and how country the people sound.

We just got back from Montgomery, Alabama. I attended the South East Regional Dance America festival (SERBA). The last festival I attended was in 1998 in Little Rock of the South West region. As much has changed that has stayed the same. Beautiful teenage dancers with ballet bodies you seen on professional stages. Great classes and performances that ranged from okay to amazing.

I wanted to attend the festival this year for two reasons. One, I would like to guest teach and/or choreograph for ballet schools and festival is a great time to make contacts. The second reason is that I wanted to be renewed. And renewed I was. I watched five different teachers teach, and they all said the very same things I said. There was one teacher I watched that faced some of the same problems I have had to face for the past five years: a jazz class next door that was playing its "music" so loud that the ballet kids could barely hear the pianist. The teachers emphasized the same things I do and gave many of the same corrections I do. It made me realize that I really do know my stuff!!! After being told so many times that how I teach is not right, it was so refreshing to see what I teach and HOW I teach get results. The students listened and responded to this teaching. These dancers clearly came from schools that wanted to train dancers and not just collect a paycheck.

I also took notes. I have felt that I have been teaching in a rut lately and the classes I took reminded me of things that I just to teach three, four and five years ago. I also got some great ideas for new combinations.

And now about Ruth: Ruth and Brian went with and played in the hotel most of the time. Brian is truly a great, supportive husband. He took care of Ruth and met me for food whenever it was it. I skipped the last class and performance Friday night to have a family night. On one of our lunch time walks we found this little park by the river and next door to the minor league baseball stadium that had a fountain made for kids to run around in and get wet. So we put Ruth in it. She LOVED it. It was hot outside and although we had a swimming suit in the hotel room, we just let her play in her clothes. (Boy, was that diaper full!!!) When it was time to go back, we changed her diaper and put Brian's outer tee shirt on her. We also learned that she loves the pool.

Although the trip was great, I am so happy to be home. I have been hungry quite often and feel sick after I eat almost every time. Yes, we are expecting with a due date of December 11. The first date we were give was December 17 but the computer was measuring earlier so they changed it. I guess this means a scan tron final for my class at KSU this fall!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.

1 comment:

Zink said...

Happy Mother's Day!

"There was one teacher I watched that faced some of the same problems I have had to face for the past five years: a jazz class next door that was playing its "music" so loud that the ballet kids could barely hear the pianist." Haha.