Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quick Story

First, I am done with naming every blog after a song. It was good while it lasted.

The other day while Ruth and I had our afternoon snack, I was watching a baby story show on TV. Now, I don't normally watch these shows but nothing else was on and the woman was having triplets. As she talked about how she was worried about her one year old (yes, a one year old with triplets being born in a week), she started to cry. This go around I have been more hungry and more emotional. I started to cry as well. Ruth had finished her snack and had put the paci she brought from the crib in her mouth. As my crying continued, Ruth removed the paci from her mouth and tried to put it in my mouth. After all, a good paci can cure anything.

This is not the first time she has done this. It just amazes me how these little kids can process information and be so compassionate. If only we could all be this way. I guess that is why Jesus said that we should all be like children. (paraphrase)

1 comment:

Alec & Emma Davis said...

That is so sweet! I've always been amazed at the power of kids and dogs to comfort people! Somehow, they just know.

And I would totally be a basketcase if I had three on the way with a one year old to boot!