Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ruth and Emory Eye Clinic

I did not believe that Ruth had vision problems until I saw my friend Erika's baby. I could tell right away that there was a difference between the two. Still, Ruth has such seemingly normal vision and so many of you have put Ruth on your church group's prayer list that I told Brian a month ago I would not be surprised that if when we went to the retina specialist at Emory and were told that Ruth does not have ocular albinism I would not be surprised.

But surprised we both were when that is exactly what we were told today.

We took Ruth today to see a retina specialist at Emory, one of the top ten hospitals for ophthalmology in the country. Ruth was given a test today where electrodes were attached to her head (man, she screamed). Ruth was shown a series of flashing lights and the electrodes measured how the light was viewed. Then, we saw a very nice retina specialist. Dr. Yan told us that while Ruth had some lack of pigment on the sides of her retina, she did not feel that Ruth had ocular albinism, or if she does, it was VERY slight. (Remember, albinism is a spectrum disorder). Brian and I just sat there dumbfounded while Ruth climbed all over us talking away to whomever was in earshot.

Dr. Yan did say that since Ruth has nystagmus (moving of the eye) we needed to see another doctor. Dr. Yan is such a specialist of the retina that she does not feel comfortable discussing nystagmus. Brian and I have not had the time to do much research on this but we know that nystagmus could be something as simple as weak eye muscles to something as serious as a brain tumor. Again, we are speechless. We got back to Emory on December 4th to see the other doctor. This means we do not need genetic testing.

We still believe that Ruth has vision issues. It could be something as simple as being near sighted. We don't know. But we are focusing on the blessing and miracle that Ruth has been cleared of ocular albinsim by the leading retina specialist in the state!!!!

Praise God!!!! Thank you all for your prayers. While many days I would be so stressed that I would just sit and watch Ruth, many, many, many days I would have an odd sense of peace about Ruth and her future. I contribute this to those of you covering us in prayer. Now, if I can just submit every area of my life to this same peace. It is so humbling.

Some of you knew that Ruth decided last week she wasn't going to eat from the bottle. She is eating somewhat better (although now she is waking up in the night and staying up - Brian and I got 3.5 hours of sleep last night) She looks like she may have lost a little weight but is still going strong crawling and climbing over everything and everyone in her path. So far, nothing will keep her away from my dance magazines and Brian's This Old House. Thank you again for remembering us. Praise the Lord!


Alec & Emma Davis said...

Natalie, this is wonderful and praise be to God. We will just keep lifting up little Ruth and believing that her doctors will know exactly which course of action to follow, and that she will have complete and perfect vision and that all of her feeding issues will be rectified. I can't tell you how happy this post has made me! Hang in there, guys!

annie said...

Wonderful, wonderful news!!! A true testament to the FACT that prayer works!!! Praise the Lord!!!

The Montanaro's said...

Wonderful news! I am so happy for you guys and for Ruth! We will keep praying that her eating and nystagmus will also resolve! If you have a minute read the post called "what a weekend" on our blog for information about my sister. Please keep her in your prayers. love, h