Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bye Bye Love

Today Ruth had a check-up with her GI doctor, Dr. Patel. First, Dr. Patel is very nice, young and funny. While he is pleasant looking, he isn't as good looking as another mother said he was. Still, since he doesn't give Ruth shots or make her cry, it is an easier visit to see him than her pediatrician. We got the all clear and don't have to see him again. Ruth now weighs 16.15 and is eating well. Yeah Ruth!!!

But the neatest thing happened today. I have been picking up Ruth's hand when we leave and saying bye-bye and waving her hand side to side. Today, I picked up her hand and said "bye-bye" as Dr. Patel was saying his good-byes to us. He started to open and shut his hand (like other people have done to her, including us) and Ruth opened and shut her hand back at him!!!! She waved bye-bye today! Ruth has been opening and shutting her hand for quite some time now and often just stares at it, but she has never done it during a bye-bye session. Today was the first time. Dr. Patel was very excited about it too. Just to make sure it wasn't an accident, we practiced it at home with Daddy and Ruth performed again, twice. Good job, Ruth!

Three top teeth are in but it looks like maybe two more are on the way. Ruth still has a runny nose and blows snot bubbles when she laughs. Gross, I know, but cute. She has given me a runny nose and sore throat. That's the news from the Berry house. Enjoy the beautiful leaves - get outside.


Alec & Emma Davis said...

Hey Nat, I'm glad to hear that Ruth is eating better and that things are going well. Congrats, Ruth, on saying "bye bye" with your hand! Can't wait to see pictures of those teeth!

The Cram-Smith Family said...

Bye bye is so sweet! The milestones seem to come so quickly, don't they? Sorry to hear that Ruth is still fighting her cold. Jocelyn, Matt and I have all had the sniffles for weeks! The last couple of days though, I discovered peppermint oil. Dap some peppermint oil (available at health food stores) onto a piece of gauze or tissue and just attach it to your wrist with a pony tail holder. The scent throughout the day will really clear things up. Jocelyn slept so well last night, as she sniffed it while I was putting her to sleep. Worth a shot.

The Montanaro's said...

Hey Nat, Brian & Ruth! Oh I can't wait to see those teeth! Does she have any on bottom? Quin has two bottom but no top teeth yet. We are working on the "bye bye" trick too and I think he did it once but it could have just been a coincidence! So excited for Ruth's milestone. By the way, the peppermint oil has been proven in a scientific study (only it was dabbed on the temples not put on a wrist rubberband - i'm sure it works either way) Miss you guys!