Friday, October 31, 2008

Now I Can't Sleep

Ruth is doing well. She did cry out a few times in the night but went right back to sleep. However, I woke up at 6:02am and have not been able to sleep. The house is warm, Brian and baby are sleeping, but here I am, at the computer. I could not stop thinking about burp cloths (I am trying to make my own) and kept singing this horrible song we sang in music class on Tuesday "Let's put our instruments up" to a techno beat. It drives me crazy.

Tonight we are taking Ruth around to a few houses of my students in a neighborhood close by here. Brian is all for taking people's candy, but I told him it would look like we were using our daughter to get free candy. I sense many years of Brian offering to take her trick or treating.

We will post pictures of her adventures!

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