Monday, June 23, 2008

I Could Have Slept All Night...I Could Have Dreamed All Night..

For several nights, Ruth has been sleeping until 5am or later. Last week she had three nights of sleeping until 7am. Then we took her on her first big trip to visit family in Virginia and she reverted to sleeping only until 4am and then 3:30am and last night, back home, until 3am. Tonight is her first night in her big crib in the nursery. She has been sleeping in a travel crib in our room. I am chickening out and sleeping in the nursery tonight as well on the guest bed. She has grown so much that she can palm the sides of her travel crib and nearly stretches the entire length head to toe.

Ruth was a great traveler suffering being passed from one relative to another and taking it all in stride. She provided her new family with lots of smiles and Chewbac-type conversation. She also has taken to laughing out loud and does so when one of her parents does something silly (check back soon for the clothes shopping story).

The six hour trip to Brian's family in Virginia took us seven and a half yesterday and when we got back we put Ruth in her pack and play in the living room while we finished unloading the car. She was so glad to be home and back to her tropical friend on her mobile but so tired that she could barely talk to them instead only softly moaning to them. Brian and I were pretty tired too. Who knew that traveling with an infant could be so exhausting and that the amount of stuff you must pack triples.

Wish us luck tonight in the crib....

1 comment:

The Berry Family said...

You mean...Chewbacca? Chewbac sounds like is is short for chewing tobacco.