Monday, June 9, 2008

Stop! Hey, what's that sound?

Ruth has started making new noises recently. At first she would make the typical cooing noises that would indicate she was happy. Clearly different from the sounds that she would make that would indicate unhappiness. We had read about this in all the 'manuals' so we expected this to continue for awhile. What the manuals didn't say is that Ruth would begin to make a vastly different sound around 3 months of age that would be both entertaining and yet unsettling. Now she makes a sort of screaming noise which I can only compare to what I think a cat and a pterodactyl would make if they were fighting. It is a long high-pitched squeal like an amplified creaky hinge. When you are playing with her everything is great because you know that sound is a good sound. In the dark however, that's a different story. I assume that her drawn out squeal means more than one word. As if she is speaking an entire sentence in one breath like a poorly dubbed kung-fu movie. I just wait for the subtitles and cringe a little inside. -Brian (like there was any question)

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