Monday, August 11, 2008

This was shot over a month ago. The video was too long to post so Brian had to edit it down and take the sound out of it. We tried to post this yesterday, but since Ruth has decided that she would not sleep yesterday or today, I am just now getting it done. To run away, we took Ruth on a picnic last night to the lake and she really seemed to enjoy kicking around in the back of Daddy's truck while we drank root beer and watched the sun set over the lake.

We started Ruth on pears today and she seems to like them as much as sweet potatoes. So far she has had sweet potatoes (likes) bananas (okay) carrots (had to stop due to vomiting them up), peaches (okay) green beans (likes) and now pears. Next comes squash. Yum!

1 comment:

kelly said...

Oh the joys of new foods and the resulting diaper changes.