Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The President Welcomes Ruth

We got a card in the mail last week from George and Laura Bush welcoming Ruth to, for lack of a better word, America. Apparently, Natalie's friend Angela has some major petition power with 'The Decider', who then decided that it would be a nice gesture for them to send Ruth a little card. We are honored to have such a keepsake to add to Ruth's baby book (and I mean that seriously...really). The writing on the card is:

"Welcome! We are delighted to join your family in celebrating your arrival. You have already brought much happiness to those around you, and you've just gotten started!

We are glad you are now part of the wonderful American story. Our nation holds great opportunities for you. May you make the most of your unique gifts, and may happiness and love surround you always. Sincerely, George and Laura Bush."

It seems fitting that it would take the government 5 months to welcome in a newborn. And I assume, if Barack Obama is elected, they will have to remove the 'Our nation holds great opportunities for you.' line. I guess I should just be thankful that we didn't have to wait on Nancy Pelosi to make the decision to send a card, she needs the extra time to procrastinate on a vote on an energy bill. You're right...I should get off my political soapbox and surround my daughter with love and happiness. That's what I call 'strategery'.

Note: This post does not reflect the view of all of Ruth's parents. However, Obama may be the anti-Christ.


The Cram-Smith Family said...

This post made me laugh!! It is a very neat keepsake. Perhaps we will invite the queen to Jocelyn's next birthday. Do you think she'd send a "thanks for the invite" card? Jocelyn IS half Australian, and therefore part of the British commonwealth. I think that merits a card from the queen. :-)

The Berry Family said...

Any queen worth her crwon would be glad to attend the bierthday of such a cutie.