Friday, August 15, 2008

No Sleep for Ruth

Ruth has decided this week that she no longer needs naps or that a short ten minute nap will do. Needless to say, I am losing my ever loving mind. In fact, I can hear her right now next door in the crib talking to her pacifer (instead of sleeping). She threw a screaming fit this morning and I just let her scream for a change thinking she would stop. She didn't. I didn't look at the clock but it went on for at least over 20 minutes. She threw one on Monday that lasted for over 40 minutes and resulted in me giving up until Brian got home when I ran away. Wednesday night she cried for 35 minutes until going to sleep for the night. When she screamed this morning, I finally picked her up and feed her (early) and she ate and then dozed off in my arms. But since I can't spend my day in the rocking chair, I let her sleep for 10 minutes and then got up to put her in the crib. She woke up instantly and is still awake about to start screaming again.

Help!!!!! Am I the only one going through this?


Kara and Travis said...

I remember those days. Eston still won't nap today. Daycare says he sleeps less than any other child. They finally caved and put toys in his crib for him to play with while the other kids slept. Hang in there!

kelly said...

This is a phase that will pass and it will make great stories later. Remember how Brooke and Robby cried all the time?

Real Farmer said...

Michael cried for like 45 mins today....oops I for got the girls and I held him down and painted his toe nails orange!! STOP breathing MY air!!!

The Cram-Smith Family said...

ahhh...the "no sleep" epidemic! Jocelyn is STILL in that club. She is getting a little better about it at night, but daytime naps are the worst! She sleeps if you walk her in her stroller or drive her in the car. That's pretty much all that will put her to sleep during the day. For example, today is her first "full day" at school. On my lunch break, I had to drive her for 5 minutes to get her to sleep for naptime. I realize this makes me an "enabler," but I didnt want her to scream the whole afternoon because she was tired! One adjustment at a time I guess. Other than naptime, she's doing really well at school and gives hugs to the other kids when they are upset. So sweet.