Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Get In My Belly

Ruth has learned how to give kisses, we think. Her new favorite thing is to grab my head with her two little hands and open her mouth and seemingly bite my face. On occasion her two bottom teeth will scrape my cheek and hurt a little. She will also sometimes move from one cheek to another and will look at me in the process and smile. She seems to really like this game. I have really enjoyed my time with her Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday, however, was another story and resulted in a frantic phone call to my mother for advice on how to get a baby to sleep. Ruth won that argument and yet again came out of the crib. Yesterday and today she has either slept in the car while running errands or slept in my bed while I read. I know, I am not establishing good sleep habits but I had to do something to keep from getting upset at her all the time, and I have really enjoyed the extra smiles I have gotten Tuesday and Wednesday.

She does have a little stuffy nose. I slept the second half of the night in the nursery last night to be close to her. She didn't wake up after I moved in there so I think she knew I was close by her. Brian will be posting some pictures of Ruth in her new Halloween sleeper and the hat he bought her last year (obviously before she was born).

1 comment:

The Cram-Smith Family said...

Don't you love those "kisses." Jocelyn did that as well. (mostly to her daddy though) We're home sick today...watching the Wiggles.