Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ruth Speaks

Ruth got most of her personality from her father (crying like he did as a baby often, short attention span, etc) but she got her love of talking from me. Ruth talks ALL the time - during feedings, during bath time, during playtime and during nap time. She skipped over saying words like gaga and baba and went straight for blah. She would say this word over and over and over. I thought we had a regular genius on our hands until Brian pointed out that he favorite toy, Manual, says Blah. So Ruth must have learned this word from him. So I started saying mamamamamam to her over and over and last night she said it!!! This morning, without any prompting, she said dada.

She can now roll over from her stomach to her back and can, while she doesn't very often, roll over on her right side. (She prefers her left side - great, another trait like her father). She was pretty fussy yesterday so I don't know if she doesn't feel well or is cutting another tooth. But to be on the safe side, we stayed home from church today. But as I watch her on her tummy kicking both legs, propped up on her elbows talking to whatever is in her eyesight, I think maybe we could have gone to the nursery after all. I bet the nursery workers are breathing a sigh of relief that the "Spit Up Queen" is not there today.

1 comment:

The Montanaro's said...

If she's the spit up Queen, we have the spit up King here with us. He cut his first tooth yesterday! As far as the bottle thing. Quin was doing the same thing before cutting this tooth. He would chew or absolutely refuse the bottle. I bet you have another tooth coming in.