Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So This Is Christmas

This is the first year that I can remember Christmas being stressful. I have included one of the pictures from the Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Baby's first Christmas party. I am ordering the cd and will post more once I get the cd (and they will be a better quality). I am posting tonight trying to calm myself down before the big trip to Arkansas tomorrow. Let me just give you a glimpse into my mind.

This being Ruth's first Christmas I want it to be special. But so far I have baked less, put up less decorations, not had my annual tree trimming party (first year since 1997), and not sent my Christmas cards yet. Nor I have watched any Christmas movies or gone to see any lights or anything remotely Christmas except Nutcracker and only that because it is part of my job. For those of you who know me, I LOVE Christmas. I love the sights and the sounds, the smells and the hustle. But this year I have lost my mind!!!

After FINALLY getting Ruth to sleep tonight, when Brian got home I felt I had to run to the store and then vacuum the car. Well, my hand is hurting right now because I punched the machine at the car wash when it stole $1.75 and then wouldn't work with a credit card or give me a receipt. Of course, there was no number to call to file a complaint. What has happened to customer service!!!

I still have several things to do before turning in for the night. Maybe my blood pressure will be down before long.


Katie said...

that picture is absolutely precious... let's really get the girls together in the new year! merry christmas!

Lee Laughlin said...

Dear Ruth's,
I found your blog via a Google Alert for albinism (I have albinism and am part of NOAH). Ruth is a beautiful little girl.

Please be kind to yourself. Life with a child is SO very very different than life as two adults. I too love Christmas, but found that traditions had to be modified had some even had to be let go with a baby and later with two children. Being a mom forces you to pick what is most important to you.

Also remember the this is ALL new to Ruth Helen. Children reflect their parents, if you are relaxed and happy Ruth will be too. Yes, easier said than done, Ruth doesn't know there are less decorations this year. Don't stress you are doing a great job.

Wishing you a safe and happy trip to Arkansas.

Best, Lee

Alec & Emma Davis said...

Oh my goodness, Ruth is so beautiful in this picture! What a darling Christmas gift you and Brian have been given this year.

Natalie, I have felt the same way you are feeling. It's as if I want to run quickly on the treadmill to get everything done, but it will only allow me to go in s l o w m o t i o n...I've managed to get some decorations and cards out, but as far as shopping, I too, will be going out tonight after Aaron gets home and the kids are fed dinner, to finish up some shopping. It's just impossible to get out and do what I need to do with both of them. That and it's so darn cold!

We are leaving Friday afternoon to OK to have Christmas with my side. Then we're coming back home so Aaron can work a few days...then off to Texas for his side. I need to do laundry and pack for the first trip, and I don't even want to think about packing for the next trip because we'll be gone about 12 days. It has been a weird year, and I've had to let go of a lot of traditions too...but I remind myself that as they grow up we'll be establishing new traditions and I can't wait to have them more involved. Hang in there, mama...and good luck with the trip. I hope the weather is good for you guys! Lots of love!