Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Would You Do If I Sang Out of Tune

Would you stand up and walk out on me?

Or would you grab me by the eyes, pull me over into the floor and beat me senseless? If you are Elmo and Ruth in our house the answer is like fighting in the octagon.

I am proud to say that we didn't go overboard with Christmas for Ruth. We were able to strike a nice balance in gift giving somewhere between a cardboard box (my idea) and a new car (Natalie's idea). Instead of a cardboard box painted to look like a new car Ruth got a few nice presents. One of which was an Elmo Live. Check it out on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVUPTTkIBVI). In Elmo's defense it is a pretty cool toy. It is completely animated and has quite a repertoire of material that includes jokes, songs, and things like hugs, kisses, and sneezes. For those of you who dance he even does jazz hands....believe it.

Unfortunately, Ruth hates him!

Don't think for a second that we didn't consider that Ruth might be scared of Elmo. He is the perfect height to look her right in the eye, he has red fur all over and bug eyes on top of his head. Not to mention that piercing voice of his and music that comes from nowhere. We suspected that she might be a little hesitant to play with Elmo but we enjoyed his antics so we bought him anyway. Christmas morning we took him out and pulled the tab that opened up the entire montage of Elmo's stand-up career and set him in the floor for Ruth to play with. She seemed interested when she crawled over to him while he was in the middle of telling us how he just flew in from Sesame Street but what we thought was interest turned into rage as she grabbed his eyes and pulled him forward into her lap and commenced to beat him about the back and legs. If this isn't funny enough (it wasn't) Elmo says 'Elmo fell down. Can you help Elmo up please?' repeatedly until you set him upright or he concedes defeat and goes to sleep. So the entire time Ruth is pounding on him, he is begging her to set him upright. After the third time asking he just gives up and 'Takes a nap' (his words not mine). If you have never seen a 10-month old put a toy into a full nelson it is a sight to behold. I could be wrong but I swear I saw Elmo try to tap out. Now when Ruth is around we try to keep Elmo out of her reach. We think that she will like him more as she gets older but she'll probably just be able to tear his limbs off.

On the up side. I think she may be the first MMA fighter on Spike TV. Ruth "Hammerin' Helen" Berry. Watch for it!!


Unknown said...

Hi Brian & Natalie,
It's Leah (from Target). Ruth is so adorable and a beautiful little girl! I enjoyed reading your blog and realized that most of the things I worry about are normal. Benjamin has a love-hate relationship with his Pooh Bear, has been refusing to eat, and hasn't been sleeping through the night too (how did we ever get throught the first 4 months with no sleep?)! It must just be a phase. If I ever have the energy to bring Benjamin to ATL with me to work we should get the kids together. He loves to play with other babies and I know he would love Ruth! I am glad to hear of the good news with Ruth's eyes. She has had lots of prayers from TN. God is so Good!

Alec & Emma Davis said...

Buy the kid an octagon and let her train properly! Our kids should be ready for UFC within a few years. Cage fighting is a totally awesome career choice. : )

The Montanaro's said...

Hilarious! Quin loves Elmo but that's because Pasquale has been doing that high-shrill voice since he was a few days old - so big furry thing that looks furry like daddy and talks like daddy - isn't so scary! Check out our blog for the zoey-quin chicken fight! I think both our kids have a WWF streak in them! Did you guys get any sleep last night or stay up for New Years?

Kara and Travis said...

I am rolling laughing! Speaking of Sesame Streeters, Eston hates Bert. Every time he sees him in a book, he tells him off in baby talk. It's probably a good thing I don't know what he's saying, because I'm afraid there may be some cussing involved. Eston even tore his head out of one of his books, and walked into the kitchen and threw Bert away in the trash! Travis and I can only conclude that Eston doesn't like his unibrow??!!

Unknown said...

I just read the Elmo post. That is so funny.