Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogging is SOOOOO Much Better Than Facebook

Enough said. I am sorry I haven't kept this updated, but I started teaching at Kennesaw State University last Thursday and have been a little swamped.

Maybe this weekend.


Alec & Emma Davis said...

I agree, but I went ahead and made a stupid page because forever I had people tell me to get a myspace page. Then I did. Then, the second I got on myspace, I had people tell me that I HAD to get on Facebook because they'd switched to Facebook and it's "soooo much better than myspace." Anyways, now I'm everywhere and I hope that America is happy. : ) But seriously, it is easier to use than myspace.

The Montanaro's said...

Ditto to Alec & Emma's mommy and you Nat because I hate keeping up Myspace and Facebook. I'm glad I can see old buddies on those two sites but it is so hard to keep up all three. i would much rather keep on blogging.