Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jesus Loves Me

Let me take a break from posting holiday pictures and tell you about today. Today we woke up early to get ready for church and baby dedication day. We have waited ever since last spring to dedicate Ruth waiting for the 10am service that is so hard to get on the baby list but the service we wanted since that is our service. And here the day finally arrived. And we were all sick. Ruth, as you have read, has been sick for a week and now has a double ear infection. Brian and I have the full fledged cold. If it had not been baby day we all would have rolled over and gone back to bed (we actually had to wake Ruth up this morning).

But we got up and I am so glad we did. What a great day we had.

Our dear friends Connie and David Schnuelle (picture to be added soon) who used to live here drove up from south Georgia to be with us and watch Ruth. And after the service the Scott family (Kathy, Rick and Emily --Laura Liz and Will both off to college) met us in the nursery. The Scotts would have joined us for lunch but Emily had rehearsal. Dang it. Those dancers!!!

Also some of our friends who normally go to the 9:50 service (contemporary) came to our service to watch Ruth.

Ruth did great, although she was the loudest baby. Ruth decided that during prayer she would give me kisses. Now, for those of you who know what Ruth's kisses on mommy sound like, you know what this means. For those of you who don't, go back to September and watch the video of Ruth giving my mom kisses. Very loud. So I tried to stop her by giving her a toy which she promptly THREW on the marble floor (echoing throughout the church). My husband whispered a cuss word when he picked it up. I imagine him showing up on all the videos of the sweet families and them reading his lips like a football coach who cusses out his players on television.

But Ruth is dedicated and her name means Faithful. I thought it meant friendly. But not matter. Also, the theme verse the pastor picked for her is Ruth 3:11. It is a nice verse. They also gave us a small bible and a letter from the pastor that Ruth is to open and read the day she accepts Christ. Brian says he is going to read it now but I want to read it with Ruth. I look forward to that day.

Ruth is feeling much better. After a nice long nap this afternoon, she was in great spirits. After dinner, Brian and I chased Ruth around the house on our hands and knees. We all three laughed and giggled until tears were running out of our eyes.

So as we each go to bed tonight, I hope you remember the song that gives us today's title. Know that it is true. And if you have children, look at them and you see the proof.

1 comment:

Alec & Emma Davis said...

Congratulations on your dedication Ruthie! I'm glad that you are all feeling better. Yes, Jesus loves me too...and I know it more everyday that I get to spend with my darlings!