Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Been A Long Day's Night

Ruth has a double ear infection we learned yesterday. She has had a cold all week and we thought she was getting better on Thursday. But Friday morning at 4am she woke up screaming and did so for a better part of an hour. Then she woke up again at 6:15am screaming again. The poor little girl looked so pitiful half crying and half falling asleep and not being able to suck a paci because she couldn't breathe out of her nose that it almost brought Brian to tears. Brian had to staff on Friday (12 hours) the first day he has had to staff in three weeks. He is staffing today as well (actually behind the counter all day giving out drugs). So I loaded Ruth up in the car and took her to the doctor. By the time we got to the doctor she was in great spirits and played with the moms and kids I knew (I saw three people I knew at the doctor, that is a first).

Poor little Ruth happens to be a wax producer so the doctor had to scrape out her ears before he could look into them. He gave us two prescriptions and since Brian was working and Ruth needed to sleep and sleeping propped up is best for her, I just drove the hour to the store and we had lunch with Daddy. Ruth was great that afternoon and helped me pick out shoes and a dress for Sunday and slept all the way home. But last night was the worst.

I went to bed shortly after I put Ruth down at 8:45pm. I heard her cry at 11pm and Brian got up with her. I relieved him at 12:30am (I think they both had cat napped). I was up until 1:30am when I realized Ruth had fever and needed medicine. So I woke up Brian and he helped me dose her and clean out her caked over nose. The poor kid pretty much screamed for an hour. Since she has been poked and prodded so much now she won't let us even wipe her nose without a fight. It was after 3am before my whimpering daughter finally went to sleep and I slept with her in the guest bed so Brian could get some sleep since he had to go to work today.

She seemed better this morning and is napping now. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow since she is getting dedicated at church.


Alec & Emma Davis said...

OH, it's making me exhausted just thinking about it! You poor momma and poor daddy and poor Ruthie! I hope that she gets better soon and that everyone catches up on some much needed rest!

annie said...

Oh, my mercy!!! I'll be praying you guys get some sleep tonight! Poor, poor little Ruth. I hope she's better tomorrow for her special day!!!