Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Week Down, three Days to go

Ruth and I have been in Arkansas for a week now. The camp is over and I am officially half way done with my pregnancy. I look forward to the day I can say I have delivered. Not that I am ready to care for two people who don't listen to me, but I am ready to be done with the constantly feeling bad and/or hungry.

Tomorrow we are going with Memommy (my mother) to her workshop in Mountain View to stay at a "resort". Now, for those of you familiar with Mountain View, Arkansas, you will find this very funny. Mountain View is a small town (larger than Sidney) and not the resort type of town. But there will be a pool and the weather has turned hot again so the pool will be waiting for us.

We fly home onTuesday and, while the visit has been nice, I am so ready to be home. I am ready to sleep without a 16 1/2 month old pushing me in the back. I am ready to enforce rules like "you eat meals in the high chair or you don't eat" and "the paci is for naptime only".

This child is so spoiled it will take a month to get any sort of rule following back in her.


Alec & Emma Davis said...

Oh...I feel for you. I so don't miss being preggo. I'm glad to hear you're at the halfway mark. Hope that the rest of your trip goes well, and that Ruthie gets back into the habit of obeying the rules of the house quickly when you guys get home! Safe travels!!!

Tonia said...

How much longer until you find out what you're having?

Alec & Emma Davis said...

okay, i finally voted. i'd love for you to have a boy, so that you can experience both worlds, but i have this feeling it might be another girl. so, i voted girl. but it will be thrilling either way. two sweet little princesses or one of each...its a win win situation. looking forward to the big reveal! :-)