Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rest and Last Minute Worry

Today I really enjoyed myself. I cleaned and worked out and watched a movie and took a long bubble bath.

Then when I called to say night night to Ruth, Brian told me the news. Ruth was already asleep and when I asked why he hadn't called me so I could say good night to her, he said he had been under the truck for the past hour. To make a long story shorter, suspecting trouble with the truck Brian went ahead and took it to Virginia and looked at it today. The trouble: a hole somewhere underneath that is leaking oil. Now I am so worried about them on the long trip back. My fear is that they will be stranded somewhere in the heat or worse, the truck will have an accident due to gears locking up or an axle dislocating. (That shows how little I know about auto repair and only being able to put pieces of what Brian said together.)

So if you read this before Sunday late, please pray that they get home safe. I am very worried.

1 comment:

Alec & Emma Davis said...

I am sure that they will be okay, Natalie. Praying Psalm 91 over Ruth and Brian.