Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rain, rain and no swimming for Ruth

We had rain all day yesterday. In fact, the weather has been very cool the entire time we have been here in Arkansas. Mom said they have had cool weather for over a week. Over the weekend, the weather was sunny and felt just like football weather. Mom had purchased a plastic kiddie pool for Ruth to use this week. Poor kid has only gotten to use it once and not for very long at that.

I am really enjoying the camp. The community college is fairly new so the buildings are fresh and clean. All the people are so friendly and the camp is very low stress. I also enjoy driving to work and seeing lots of trees and grass, cows in fields and open land and rolling hills. I know that if I were to move my family here that we would be bored soon and miss Target and having a grocery store around the corner, many restaurants to choose from, and the energy that comes from a city. But the country life has much to offer as well and having lived in both sometimes makes me very sad because I always miss the other when I am in one. I think it was Thomas Wolfe who said you can never go home again. But one can dream.


Tonia said...

I'm glad you're having cool weather. It's hotter than hell down here. I'm sweating more than a whore in church. I think you told me that on one of our walks my senior year. Ha ha ha. I still use it and it still cracks me up. That's great that you're enjoying the camp. Sometimes you never know what you'll get with those things.

Alec & Emma Davis said...

Well, it's nice and sunny here today. Not supposed to have another chance for rain until they say. So, hopefully Ruth will get to use her pool!