Thursday, July 30, 2009

And The Correct Answer to the Poll

It was lunchtime for Ruth and me, snack time for Daddy. I had a sinus/tired headache. The skies were barely holding back the rain fore casted for today. Our appointment was set for 11 est, but we weren't called back until 11:30am.

Brian saw the gender first. I still can't tell what is what on an ultrasound. The tech had to show me the area about five times before I understood. And no wonder, I don't have those parts. That's right, those of you who voted for a boy have the satisfaction of knowing you were right.

I thought I was prepared for a boy but I was not. I was shocked. I had thought we would have two little girls climbing into bed with us on stormy nights and wearing look alike dresses. But now Ruth will have a boy to boss around and they won't have to share clothes. Brian's first words upon finding out we were having a boy were, "Yes! I don't have to paint the room!"

After the ultrasound we were supposed to see a doctor but they were so backed up that they said they would see us in 4 weeks. Ruth and I went with Brian down to a store in Atlanta to deliver a pizza for winning some contest. While there, we bought a few boy onesies and swaddling blankets that were on clearance. I needed to have something blue to look at to start to become attached to a boy. To Grayson. (Have you realized that if he shortens his name it will be Gray Berry? yes, we realize that but are naming him that anyway.)

Sorry we couldn't call everybody. Brian is home for the rest of the day and we are going to enjoy family downtime.


Tonia said...

That's awesome. Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you.

Alec & Emma Davis said...

Oh Natalie, I am so thrilled for you guys. I know it's going to take some getting used to, but I know that little baby bear cub is going to steal your heart away. Congratulations!!!

Zink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zink said...

I would just like to say that I voted boy :)

Congratulations! I really like the name Grayson too!

p.s. i removed my first comment because it had a spelling error. fyi, since it has now told everyone that i removed it, which is ridiculous.

brenda said...

Congrats- and I love the name Grayson!

emilymac said...

woohoo, I guessed correctly! ;) How exciting to see your family grow...and YAY for Ruth getting a little brother, they really are fun to boss around =)

Life is Bright said...

Hi, I have enjoyed reading your blog but have never written til now. I also have ocular albinism. I am a 45 year old mom of two grown children. LIfe may be a little more difficult for Ruth, but as I have learned, it also will make her stronger. I have loved life to it's fullest. My prayers are with you and your GROWING family. Congratulations on a boy!